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Friday, January 17, 2014

It's a Disciplined Wife for Saturday Spanks

It's Saturday Spanks time again and it only seems two minutes since the last one! I'd like to give a little taster of my new book, Treasured Memories of a Disciplined Wife, which will be available on January 18th.

The premise involves Daisy, a widowed old lady in hospital looking back on her life. Her treasured possession is an old photograph album, and each picture triggers a memory of her life with her beloved husband Frank. The narrative then takes the reader back into the past and we discover through a sequence of vignettes the stories associated with the various photographs. Some are poignant and nostalgic, others are amusing, and they all illustrate the relationship between Daisy and Frank. If you enjoy loving discipline, you'll love this book.

Here's my snippet. It follows a scenario where Daisy has cooked a special dinner, topped up Frank's brandy glass, and is unashamedly using her feminine wiles in order to persuade him to agree to let her have the pet she wants. (It's a pig, so it's hardly surprising he said no!)


"That was lovely," said Frank as he put down his knife and fork, "but what's for dessert?"

"Something extra special." She straddled his lap. "Me. And I'm not wearing any knickers," she whispered seductively in his ear.

"You decadent wench!" said Frank approvingly. "Let me see for myself." He pulled her into a standing position and flipped up her skirt. Her large round bottom beamed invitingly. "Oh - bare bottom - my favourite!"


Available for Kindle from Amazon and in a variety of formats from LSF Publications:


There's plenty more fun snippets to check out from some wonderful authors. Have fun )


  1. I like these two all ready! I believe I'll be shopping for this one for sure.

    1. Thanks PK - good to know :) Yes, they are the perfect couple, and the making up afterwards is always such fun!

  2. Can't wait to read. I'm going to go broke buying everyone's books. They all sound so delish.

    1. Thanks Leigh. But if everyone buys yours too, you'll break even. Yaaay!

  3. ;) I love the "I'm for dessert" line. *sighs*

  4. Thanks Suzy - yes ...tis a pleasant prospect to be dessert :)

  5. LOL, sounds like something I'd do when I want another pet. Nice!

  6. I imagined the look on his face when she told him she wasn't wearing any knickers and that 'She' was desert.
    I'm curious if he will enjoy his desert at the table. ☺
    Wonderful tease!

    1. I think that sort of dessert can be enjoyed anywhere - even under the table ... though I'm sure over the top is MUCH better :D

  7. Oh my. Tasty snippet and looking forward to reading much much more!

    1. Thank you Susan, yes, much more to come between these two.

  8. Oh I love the sound of this Abigail! Great tease :)

    1. Thanks Constance. I think that particular type of dessert is very popular :D

  9. What a fantastic premise for a story! Love it.

  10. Such a decadent feeling to go without panties under a skirt. And then to tell and watch as the surprise sets in. Lovely snippet.

    1. Thanks Jolynn - it's a bit cold for it right now though ... roll on Spring :D

  11. Loving discipline is my favorite. Using a photo album to trigger loving memories from the past is a neat premise, Abigail, and Daisy has just enough spunk to make it interesting. A pet pig, eh? The pot-bellied variety is cute and all, but I don't think many men would be interested in having a piglet underfoot. So, just how far will Daisy go to convince him? Love the snippet, Abigail, and look forward to reading more.

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