India Heath is with me today, sharing news about her latest releases - The Wild cat & the Sheriff, and Disciplined by the Doctor. India and I have several things in common - spanking, Alpha males, and ... chocolate! See - we're kindred spirits. But before we get down to the nitty gritty of India's mew releases, here's a little info about India Heath and what makes her tick ...
How long have you been writing spanking fiction?
All my life, it seems. Certainly since my early teens. And before I could write I would try to draw pictures of girls being spanked over the knee, using little stick people (because I have absolutely no drawing skills whatsoever). It was during the early years of marriage that I became more serious about writing though. I was at home with three babies and writing kept me sane. I would take a pad and pen everywhere with me, even to bed. I remember standing at the cooker, frying an egg with one hand and scribbling down the next line of a love/spanking scene with the other. It is truly a lifelong dream come true to finally be a published author.
Did you read spanking fiction before you started writing it yourself?
Yes and no! When I was young I had no idea that spanking fiction even existed. But at eleven my mum gave me my first romance book to read. I still remember the title and that the heroine was named Johanna. I was immediately enraptured by the battle of wills between Johanna and her hero. Then to my complete surprise and utter delight, by the third chapter he'd spanked her. I was hooked. I devoured every romance book I could get my hands on after that. I quickly learned how to 'scan read' a book to see if it contained a spanking scene, or even just a threat of a spanking. It's amazing how the 'S' word springs out from the page if you're a spanko!
Are you a spanko, or someone who just likes to write about it?
Oh yes, I am definitely a spanko. It made my tummy flip even when I was a very small child. I learnt to read thanks to Enid Blyton's penchant for spanking tales, with big gruff teddybears taming naughty dolls. I don't remember a time when I wasn't a spanko. It was always just a part of me, like the colour of my eyes. Of course that doesn't mean to say I was always happy about it. Like many of us, I spent years regarding it as my dirty little secret, too embarrassed to tell anyone.
Does your family know about your romantic spanking books?
Some of them do. My husband, of course, knows everything and even though he is a vanilla, I think he is quietly proud of my writing. My daughter knows too. She sent me a text to say she had 'found' me on Amazon. I asked if she had downloaded a book and she replied, "No mum, there are lines you just don't cross." By and large, my family presume I write 'mummy porn' as opposed to spanking romance. I am happy to let them think that.
What is your favourite spanking implement?
Definitely the hand. Does that count as an implement? There is nothing more erotic and sexy than a man's palm smacking a girl's bare bottom. It has to be over his knee too. Spanking for me is very sexual, so physical contact plays a huge part in the enjoyment. I love the idea of a spanking being purely punitive but in practice the result for me would always be arousal. There is intimacy in a hand spanking that is absent when an implement is used.
My second choice though would be a good old-fashioned hairbrush. Every girl has one to hand so no excuses if you're sent to fetch one. It's impact is firm but not cruel in the right hands, and it leaves delicious marks on the bottom.
What are your favourite spanking sub genres?
My favourite sub genre is cowboy romance, without a doubt. Cowboys are always big, rough, tough, loving, firm and fair - it's the law! They lived during a time when political correctness and women's lib simply did not exist. So if a girl misbehaved she could expect to be hauled across a cowboy's lap and paddled. As a writer, the Wild West also allows me to create feisty females. They can cuss and shoot and get up to all sorts of mischief that modern day brats can't.
I am also fascinated by vampires - dark and mysterious lovers who dominate and control their mates with their minds and a heavy right hand.
Spanking has always been a hot and often contentious topic. What makes it a hot topic for you?
I find it intriguing that an act of pain and humiliation can also be so exciting, pleasurable and fun. I like to explore this paradox in my stories. The heroine might protest loudly but her body responds positively to the spanking. Even as she lies bottom up and kicking, the butterflies are dancing in her tummy. And the key reason for this is love. I am a romantic right down to my toes. For me love and discipline go hand in hand. When my hero spanks his brat, he is showing her he cares. And as his large, work roughened palm lands upon her vulnerable bare behind, a mere breath away from her throbbing sex... well, what girl wouldn't find that fun?
Can you tell us about any of your works in progress?
I have just finished writing another cowboy story. It is set on a Texan ranch where the prickly little owner is struggling to cope alone, following the death of her father. Her home is under threat from both a thieving employee and a silent investor. Along comes our big burly cowboy to teach her that belligerence and foot stamping get her no further than over his knee. All too soon though, she is relying on his strength and experience to help run the ranch, and her heart is his for the taking.
Here's the blurb from The Wild Cat & the Sheriff...
The year is 1885, and the little town of St Elmo, Colorado is forced to take notice of the new girl in town. The feisty Eliza Cooper encourages a group of women to demonstrate outside the saloon, where they voice their protests about the sin of gambling and alcohol. Sheriff Vince Turner arrives to break up the rowdy demonstration, and Eliza gives him so much sass she finds herself hoisted over his shoulder and carried off to the jailhouse where she earns herself the first of many a spanking over the big sheriff's lap. Despite her outrage, Eliza can't ignore the spark of attraction towards Vince, and when the handsome lawman asks her out to dinner, she is delighted. The two are well matched, but Eliza just can't seem to keep out of trouble. She has an attitude, a fiery temper, and can be an uncontrollable brat. But it seems that now she is the Sheriff's girl, she has at last found someone to tame her, someone who is caring and protective, someone who excels in showing her the many delicious ways a man can please his woman...

And here's the blurb for Disciplined by the Doctor...
There's only one doctor in Springrock. His name is Sam Baxter and he's one good-looking guy. When Sheriff Keane finds a young woman slumped against the wheel of her car after she skidded off the road into a tree, he brings her in to Sam's surgery. The new patient is 21-year-old Emma James, and she's small, cute and frightened. Feeling protective towards her, Sam takes her home that night to the house he shares with his younger sister, Rachel. It isn't too long before Emma finds that Sam doesn't hesitate to give a girl a good spanking when needed, and she soon begins to crave his expert attention. She often gets in trouble and needs punishment to feel better again – a fact that Sam clearly recognises! Romance blossoms and Emma thrives in her new life.

Well done, India. I and I'm sure many others will be looking forward to your next cowboy romance release. The title isn't yet decided, but the good news is that the book is almost finished. Yaaaay!
The Wildcat & The Sheriff is Available from Amazon & LSF Publications. Click here for further info.
Disciplined by the Doctoris Available from Amazon & LSF Publications. Click here for further info.
Great interview. Thanks for sharing - you know how I love cowboys.
ReplyDeleteI do, Leigh, and I love 'em too LOL